In recent years, water conservation has become vitally important to all of us in Florida. Due to the area’s increasing population and the threat of droughts, we must do all we can to conserve water year-round. Landscapes can put a great demand on our urban water supply, often accounting for more than 50 percent of all water used for home consumption. Conserving water through creative landscaping is what Xeriscape ™ is all about.
Simply selecting the most suitable plants, shrubs, and trees for our environment and applying a few basic Xeriscape ™ methods will substantially reduce your landscape water needs. You can save from 30 to 80 percent of your outside water-use with Xeriscape ™ landscape.
In addition to saving water, a Xeriscape ™ landscape saves time and money. Landscapes designed with Xeriscape ™ principles typically require less maintenance and will better tolerate droughts, and resist diseases and insects, as well.
Whether your landscape is already established, or you’re starting new, take a moment to learn how you can benefit from the water-wise concepts of Xeriscape ™ landscape. Remember, water is the lifeblood of Florida. Don’t bleed us dry. Plant it smart and Xeriscape ™. PLANT IT SMART.
Although the word itself may be unfamiliar, Xeriscape ™ utilizes common landscaping principles, which have been known by industry professionals for years. By following these simple principles, you can still enjoy all the lush beauty of a Florida landscape and, at the same time, save water, time, and money.
Incorporating Xeriscape ™ principles into your landscape is easy and does not require a large investment. A Xeriscape ™ saves time and money, but, most importantly, protects the environment and saves our most valuable resource, water.
As an immediate requirement of CS/HB 91, the Xeriscape ™ Bill, effective May 9, 1991, the act requires …Any person who purchases and installs an automatic lawn sprinkler system…shall install a rain sensor device or switch which will override the irrigation cycle of the sprinkler system when adequate rainfall has occurred. Enforcement of this section is covered in Florida Statutes sections 125.568 and 166.048. For information on retrofitting irrigation systems, a certified specialist in the area may be contacted.
South Walton Utility encourages plantings of low-water use plants.
The use of treated wastewater for irrigation and other beneficial applications is becoming more commonplace in response to restrictions on the discharge of treated effluents to surface water bodies, and the need to preserve high-quality potable water supplies such as the Floridian aquifer. South Walton Utility Company, Inc. is aware of these benefits and look forward to future implementation of reclaimed water.
South Walton Company, Inc. will continue to promote the use of reclaimed water for irrigation where it is economically feasible. South Walton Utility Company, Inc. currently uses reclaimed water at the following sites:
- Wastewater Treatment plant for chlorination, irrigation, wash down.
- Emerald Bay Golf Course for irrigation.
- The Gardens Golf Course for irrigation.
- Regatta Bay Golf Course for irrigation.
- Seascape Golf Course for irrigation.