Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you estimate our meter readings? The top of my meter box is covered with leaves so how can you read the meter?

The meters are read electronically. There is an electronic touch pad in the top of your meter box that the meter reader touches with an electronic wand. The meter reading is recorded and uploaded into your account.

I had a water leak. Do I have to pay the high bill I received?

The abatement policy that was established by the Board of Directors allows for an abatement of a water bill back to the lowest water rate of $2.08 per thousand gallons if the circumstances meet certain conditions. If you write a letter explaining your leak and provide proof of the repair we will consider your account for an abatement.

Why do you need a forwarding address and phone number when I discontinue service?

A reading is taken when service is discontinued and a final bill is generated. We need a forwarding address to send this bill to. Many of our members have a credit balance on their account due to the refund of their deposit and will receive a refund check with their final billing information.

Do you have an after hours drop box?

We have a drive-by drop box at the back of the parking lot where you can pay your bill with a check or money order.

Is there a phone number to call in case of an emergency on the weekends?

If you call our main phone number, (850) 837-2988, you will be given the option to contact an emergency service technician.

How can I pay my bill ?

Payments can be made with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, e-check, cash, check, money order, or we can set up an automatic monthly electronic debit from your checking account. Active South Walton Utility Co. customers can also view their account and pay their bill online on the Home page of our Website or pay by phone at any time by calling (844) 298-5408.

My bill is less than $1.00.  Do I need to make a payment to avoid late charges?

The bill indicates a late fee will be charged for bills due under $1.00 however our billing system does not assess late fees if your bill is less than $1.00.

Where does our water come from?

The Upper Floridan Aquifer is the primary source of potable water for the northwest Florida coastal communities. The Upper Floridan Aquifer water quality is excellent with only chlorination required as treatment for disinfection purposes.

Who regulates water quality?

The Department of Environmental Protection is charged with enforcing drinking water regulations. For more information see

Who replaces the owner valve on a meter?

The owner valve is a lever handle or faucet handle located on your meter.  The handle is used as an emergency shut off valve when there is a leak and/or repairs need to be made by the owner.  The replacement of an owner valve is the owner’s responsibility to replace.  Handles can be purchased at most local hardware stores.

What is smoke testing?

During the course of the year SWU will be Smoke Testing our entire sewer system to look for leaks or breaks. We post a message board at your sub-division entrance or we may hang a bright green notice on your door prior to smoke testing in your area. You may want to run water to fill your sewer traps with water; don’t forget your floor drains.

As the crews are working in your neighborhood, you may notice smoke  coming out of your house vents in the roof. It’s harmless. If smoke ever  gets into your house, that is an indication your plumbing is not working  properly and should be corrected. If you have any questions please feel  free to call the office.

SWU crews continue in their quest to find leaky sewer lines by continuing  their smoke testing efforts.